31 May 2024


FIFO Ordering for Session Updated and Ended Events

eDRV now supports strict FIFO-ordered webhooks for session updated and ended events, which include energy readings/meter values for the session. This enhanced mechanism ensures that your application receives these events in the correct sequential order, even during bursty message conditions.

The following session event will be delivered in a FIFO manner:

  • session.updated
    This event occurs whenever a session field is updated, such as when the chargestation reports new energy readings via the session.metrics or session.energy_report field.
  • session.ended
    This event occurs whenever the chargestation confirms that an energy transaction has stopped.

Reason field in Session Ended Events

The session.ended webhook will now include the session.metrics.chargingStopReason field, providing the reason received from the chargestation in the Stop Transactions requests.

Admin Dashboard

OCPP Logs new interface

We are introducing a new OCPP log interface that allows users to view OCPP Log messages in a request/response format. This feature will help users debug what has been sent and received by the chargestation and the CSMS in a single, grouped log.

The new interface includes:

  • Message ID: A unique identifier generated by the origin, either the chargestation or CSMS, used for matching an incoming response to a previously sent request.
  • Timestamp: The message origin timestamp.
  • Origin: The origin of the message, either the charging station or CSMS.
  • Message: The name of the message.
  • Expanded View: Contains the request and response messages.

Users can enable the new interface from the Organization Configuration section. The default view remains the older interface.

Uptime Report

The uptime report now includes two new columns health and note: one indicating whether the chargestation was healthy or unhealthy during the reported period, and another providing a note with the reason for any unhealthy status.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where updating the organization configuration was resetting values in the dashboard view.
  • Fixed an issue where the OCPP logs message field filter was not working for certain filter values.

OCPP Server Network

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue around the StopTransaction schema validation to allow custom values in the temperature field.