6 Dec 2021

API v1.1

  • Chargestations

    chargestation object will have connection_url property which needs to be used when configuring a physical chargestation.

Admin Dashboard v1.7.0

  • Admin can create OCPP 1.6 compatible simulator chargestation, start/stop the transaction.
  • Admin can download energy reports in CSV format for a particular transaction which includes all the historical meter values.
  • Admin can use API Playground to quickly test basic [sessions APIs] (https://docs.edrv.io/reference/postsessions-1) and get access token API. See [TokenRequest] (https://docs.edrv.io/docs/token-request)
  • Admin can perform the charging management for an ongoing transaction from the transactions page.
  • New account will be in the test mode and have a ready-to-use demo driver app with Stripe and Email integration.
  • Admin can create and assign RFIDs to users which can be used to start a transaction.

eDRV API v1.8.0