26 Feb 2021
Driver Mobile Application v1.1.0
- User Signup
It is now possible for drivers to signup and create an account on the white labeled driver mobile app.
- User Profile
Drivers can now save/edit their name, email phone number via the mobile application
- Favorite Chargestations
Drivers can now hit the star icon on a chargestation page to favorite a chargestation.
- Transaction History
Previous transactions are available to drivers once they log in.
- Suspended EV State Improvement
Drivers are now offered a stop transaction option when charging is paused from the vehicle for any reason.
Admin Dashboard v1.1.0
- Slack Network Alerts
Admins can now receive network alerts in slack. Add the "incoming webhook" to your slack workspace, save the webhook URL in Integrations > Slack on the dashboard to start receiving the alerts. Please see Network Alerts on how to setup alerts and Alert Types for types of alerts available.
- Refund emails
If an admin refunds all or part of the transaction fees back to a driver from your Stripe dashboard, an automatic email alert is sent to the driver with a confirmation of this refund.
- Remote Stop Improvement
Remote stop transaction no longer requires selection of a driver token. Admins can simply select the connector and stop a TX.
- Bugfix: Zero Rates TX page costs display
Fixed a bug where a default cost was calculated and displayed in the transaction page for a connector with no rate attached.
- Bugfix: OAuth API tokens
Fixed a bug where new API tokens were not getting created from the dashboard.
eDRV API v1.2.0
- Major upgrade of the underlying User identity architecture
In order to support driver (user) logins, eDRV has made a major under the hood upgrade of our identity system. Previously the only login supported was the admin via the dashboard. With this architecture we are now able to support (driver) user logins and are well prepared for multiple login roles in the future.
- Identity Support for all third party applications
The new identity system includes support for third party apps built via the eDRV API.
- Search for Chargestations by Public/Private
API customers can now filter for chargestations made available for public charging via the mobile application
- Extended Search for Connectors
API customers can now filter connectors by Type, Power, AC/DC charging
- Transaction filtering improvement
API customers can now filter transactions by User, Chargestation, Location
OCPP Server v1.2.0
- Slack alert support added
Network alerts for Organization admins (see above)