30 June 2023

Admin Dashboard

Users can now download the monthly network uptime reports from the admin dashboard's report section. The report includes the uptime stats per connector. This information can be used by organizations to effectively monitor their network performance, conduct audits, and ensure compliance with NEVI standards.

From the dashboard, users have the ability to configure load management settings, monitor resources, and track all activities associated with a load management group. The following tasks can be performed:

  • Create, update, or delete load management groups.
  • Define capacities for groups and individual charge stations.
  • Add or remove charge stations from the groups.
  • Access an overview of the charge stations and connectors within a group.
  • Monitor and track all load management activities for the group.

Session's Id Tag Configuration

In order to receive the id tag that authorized a session start within a session object via a GET API request or Webhooks, users can now turn on the include_id_tag flag from the organization's configuration section.

API v1.1


An API for developers with an advanced knowledge of OCPP to allow them to send native SetChargingProfile commands to set power limits for a session(using TxProfile), connectors (using TxDefaultProfile), and charge stations (using ChargePointMaxProfile)


API to send ClearChargingProfile command to clear a profile set by the SetChargingProfile command.


Session object now includes session.id_tag which was used to Authorize the session.

  • POST /sessions API now supports configuration.include_id_tag configuration to include/exclude id tag information in the session object.
  • PATCH /sessions API now supports configuration.include_id_tagconfiguration to include/exclude id tag information in the session object.

OCPP Server Network

Added support for the SetChargingProfile and ClearChargingProfile webhook events

OCPP Charge Station Simulator

Added support for connector and session-level default power limits.