Dynamic Load Management
eDRV offers a dynamic load-balancing solution for grid protection through its Equal Power Distribution Algorithm. With this feature, users can create load management groups comprising multiple charge stations situated within the same location. By organizing charge stations into groups, users can effectively manage the distribution of power and prevent grid overloading.
Each load management group is assigned a maximum capacity, ensuring that the combined power drawn from the group's charge stations remains within safe limits. This approach eliminates the risk of overwhelming the grid. To learn more about load management group APIs visit here.
By using eDRV's load management, users can effectively balance power consumption across charge stations, optimizing resource utilization and ensuring grid protection.
Currently, eDRV's Load Balancing feature is only available for the charge stations/vendor that meet the following requirements:
- Load Management Certified Hardware
- Supports OCPP Charging Profiles
- Supports Pause Charging
Ethernet for Comms
We highly recommend using hardwired Ethernet for Comms for chargestations that are facing a grid constraint.
Equal Power Distribution Algorithm
eDRV uses an Equal Power Distribution Algorithm, which ensures that power is evenly distributed among all the connectors in a charging group. This algorithm dynamically adjusts the power distribution based on the number of EVs charging at any given time. With each session start/stop power consumption is re-evaluated and power is re-distributed amongst all the charging connectors.
Dynamic Load Management Example
Consider a scenario where there is a location with 8 charging ports (1 port per charge station), each with a minimum capacity of 5kW, a maximum available grid power capacity 30kW. Each connector is rated to deliver 7kW of power.
- Initially with no EVs charging, the full grid capacity of 30kW would be available for utilization.
- For the first four EVs, the full 7kW (connector-rated power) would be available.
- When a fifth EV starts charging, load balancing will distribute the available power equally (30kW/5EVs = 6kW) so each EV will charge at 6kW.
- When a sixth EV starts charging, load balancing will distribute the available power equally (30kW/6EVs = 5kW) so each EV will charge at 5kW.
- As all 6 EVs are already charging at the minimum power of 5kW, any new EV attempting to charge will not be able to do so.
- If a seventh EV arrives, as 6 EVs are already charging at the minimum power of 5kW, it will be placed in a queue*.
- At regular intervals, the charging status of each EV is evaluated. If any EV reaches a fully charged state (via a SuspendedEV StatusNotification), the next EV in the queue starts consuming power.
Hardware Acceptance Testing
This function is highly dependent on the charging hardware. Some vendors do not support or have incomplete implementations of OCPP charging profiles.
We highly recommend rigorous hardware acceptance testing before going live.
Holding vehicles in a queue is also highly vendor hardware dependent. eDRV allows vehicles to start a session but holds them in the queue at zero power (via OCPP charging profile with limit=0). Some vendors do not support zero power sessions.
Updated 9 months ago