Chargestation Edit


Chargestation Identification

These three values are set by the chargestation on Bootup based on values set by the manufacturer.
_id Read Only

eDRV ID for the chargestation

Manufacturer Read Only

Name of the Chargestation manufacturer

Model Read Only

Chargestation model

Chargestation Connection Information

In order to connect to eDRV all these two should have to be configured on the chargestation hardware. Also see Chargestation Connection.

Connection URL Read Only

The websocket URL for the eDRV servers


OCPP identifier for this chargestation. You can edit this on eDRV in case your chargestation hardware does not allow changing this identifier in hardware.

Chargestation Payment URL Information

All chargestations on eDRV have a permanent URL where (if enabled and correctly configured) drivers can scan a QR code, pay for charging and start a session. This is enabled via the eDRV white-labled mobile web app. See Driver App Introduction for more details.

Payment URL Read Only (The chargestation Payment URL)

QR Code PNG Image download

Download the payment QR code for this chargestation. You can use this to create your own custom branded label to stick on your chargestation.

Edit Connectors

A connector is the electrical socket or cable that connects the chargestation to the drivers electric vehicle. A chargestation must have at least one connector.

This information is directly shown to drivers in the mobile driver app. Please ensure this is accurate.


Connector type (J1772 or Type 2)


Cable or Socket type connector


Connector type (J1772 or Type 2)

Power Type

AC or DC (AC by default)

Power (kW)

Output power rating of this connector


Toggle a connector's availability. For e.g. if there are parking/access problems in a multi-connector chargestation.

Manage Rates (Prices) per Connector

You can set prices on a connector by connector basis on eDRV. For e.g. you may want to charge a higher rate for charging on a high power connector.

Assign an existing the price (rate) that drivers pay for charging at this connector
Leave empty if this is not a public paid connector
See Service Rates Setup for managing prices and rates on your network.


Rates and Public Charging

Connectors with no rates assigned are not marketed for public charging to drivers


Save your changes

Remember to hit the update button to save any changes.

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