User Object

eDRV uses Users to enable/disable access for EV drivers to charging connectors and to track sessions and attribute costs.

  "_id": "60e7116e15f9305d44e9d4d5",
  "picture": "Image URL",
  "active": true,
  "firstname": "Test",
  "lastname": "Test",
  "email": "test@test.test",
  "address": {
    "streetAndNumber": "1 Soul Avenue",
    "city": "London",
    "postalCode": "11111",
    "state": "Alabama",
    "country": "USA"
  "phone": {
    "mobile": "(705)123-1212",
    "home": "(706)124-1212",
    "work": "(706)125-1212"
  "meta_data": {},
  "createdAt": "2021-07-21T12:50:36.660Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-07-21T12:50:36.660Z",
  "wallet": {
    "balance": 5000,
    "minimum_balance": 2000,
    "currency": "usd",
    "auto_top_up": {
      "active": true,
      "payment_method": "60e7116e15f9305d44e9d4d5",
      "amount": 2000


_id string

The Id of this Driver

firstname string

User's first name

lastname string

User's last name

active boolean

Use this flag to activate / deactivate this driver

address object

streetAndNumber: string
city: string
postalCode: string
country: string

phone object number in international phone number format

mobile: string
home: string
work: string

email string

User's email

meta_data object additional data that needs to be stored by the developers.

User's meta_data

Following properties are only supported on the enterprise accounts

wallet array array of payment method

id: _string payment method id
card: string card details
card.brand: object string
card.exp_month: string
card.exp_year: string
card.last4: string
createdAt: timestamp
updatedAt: timestamp

wallet object wallet information

balance: number wallet balance in cents
currency: string eDRV only supports USD.
auto_top_up: object auto top up configuration boolean if the auto top up is enabled or not
auto_top_up.paymentmethod: _string payment method to use for auto top up
auto_top_up.amount: number auto top-up amount