Chargestation Object
Embeds Connectors that include Rates.
"_id": "5eafcdae9e7760a2646be430",
"location": "5f5e130ce35d6e2629ba6e4c",
"protocol": "ocpp1.6",
"endpoint": "edrv02",
"static_endpoint": "edrv02",
"online": true,
"active": true,
"public": true,
"is_simulator": false,
"bootInfo": {
"chargeBoxSerialNumber": "edrv02",
"chargePointModel": "AWSE770003T2P0",
"chargePointSerialNumber": "D2049A024A0",
"chargePointVendor": "eDRV-Test",
"firmwareVersion": "V0.67.50.2770.P0",
"iccid": "89883070000004642862",
"imsi": "234500011399988"
"coordinates": [
"connectors": [
"_id": "5eafcdaf9e7760a2646be433",
"rate": {
"_id": "6124c9bdcd8ad428ee3de0b3",
"currency": "EUR",
"price_components": [
"tax": 0,
"step_size": 1,
"type": "TIME",
"price": 1
"createdAt": "2021-08-24T10:28:13.733Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-24T10:28:13.733Z"
"active": true,
"status": "Preparing",
"type": "J1772",
"format": "Socket",
"power_type": "AC_1_PHASE",
"power": 2.01,
"chargestation": "5eafcdae9e7760a2646be430",
"createdAt": "2020-05-04T08:09:19.032Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-13T12:28:01.782Z"
"lastConnectAt": "2021-10-13T12:27:48.988Z",
"lastDisconnectAt": "2021-10-13T12:27:45.718Z",
"lastMessageAt": "2021-10-13T12:30:09.293Z",
"createdAt": "2020-05-04T08:09:18.816Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-13T12:30:09.293Z",
"meta_data": {
"notes": ""
"configuration": {},
"connection_url": "ws://",
"security": {
"type": "none"
Sample Chargestation
_id string
The Id of this chargestation
location string
The location Id for this CS
protocol string
The OCPP protocol version supported by your chargestation.
Must be one of ['ocpp1.6', 'ocpp2.0.1']
endpoint string
The chargestation Id. Use this with the connection URL to point your CS to eDRV
Also see Chargestation Connection
static_endpoint string
The chargestation Id. Use this with the connection URL to point your CS to eDRV
Also see Chargestation Connection
online boolean
True if the CS is successfully connected to eDRV
False if there is no live web socket connection to the CS
active boolean
Use this flag to activate / deactivate the CS
public boolean
Use this flag to mark a CS as public / private
is_simulator boolean
Use this flag to mark charge station as simulator or physical
bootInfo object directly reported by the charge station
chargePointModel: string
chargePointModel: string
firmwareVersion: string
chargePointVendor: string
chargePointSerialNumber: string
iccid: string
imsi: string
createdAt datetime
Creation time of this CS record
updatedAt datetime
Last update time of this CS record
lastConnectAt datetime
Last time this CS connected to eDRV
lastDisconnectAt datetime
Last time this CS dis-connected from eDRV
lastMessageAt datetime
Last time this CS sent a data packet to eDRV
configurations object Contains configurations like default power limit info
limit: number Power limit value
status: string Expected values
unit : string Expected values
[A] or [W]
security object Security settings
type: string Security Profile type. Expected values
username: string Endpoint if the security setting is
password: string
connectors array Array of Connector Objects
connection_url string CSMS connection url
coordinates array in [Longitude, Latitude] format
longitude: number Longitude in Decimal degrees (DD) format
latitude: number Latitude in Decimal degrees (DD) format
See Decimal Degrees for more information
Updated 11 months ago