Connector Object
Embeds Rates
"_id": "5eafcdaf9e7760a2646be433",
"active": true,
"status": "Preparing",
"type": "J1772",
"format": "Socket",
"power_type": "AC_1_PHASE",
"power": 11.1,
"chargestation": "5eafcdae9e7760a2646be430",
"rate": {
"_id": "6124c9bdcd8ad428ee3de0b3",
"currency": "EUR",
"price_components": [
"tax": 0,
"step_size": 1,
"type": "TIME",
"price": 1
"createdAt": "2021-08-24T10:28:13.733Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-24T10:28:13.733Z"
"createdAt": "2020-05-04T08:09:19.032Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-13T13:18:15.693Z"
The physical electrical port where an EV "connects" for a charging session.
_id string
The Id of this connector
active boolean
Use this flag to activate/deactivate this connector
status string
This field is set in real time by the CS depending on each connector's current operational state.
Reported values are:
Available: Ready for EV Charging. No cables plugged in
Preparing: Cable plugged in, awaiting start command
Charging: EV is charging at this connectorSuspendedEVSE: The chargestation is not offering energy to the EV, e.g. due to a smart charging restriction
SuspendedEV: Driver has suspended the charging transaction from the vehicle side
Finishing: Transaction finished. Awaiting the cable to be un-pluggedUnavailable: Connector is unavailable as the result of a change availablity API call
Faulted: The chargestation or connector has reported an error
type string
CCS1 : Combined Charging System 1 (captive cabled) a.k.a. Combo 1
CCS2 : Combined Charging System 2 (captive cabled) a.k.a. Combo 2
CHADEMO : JARI G105-1993 (captive cabled)
J1772 : IEC62196-2 Type 1 connector (captive cabled) a.k.a. J1772
Type2 : IEC62196-2 Type 2 connector (captive cabled) a.k.a. Mennekes connector
format string
Cable or socket type connector.
Options are ['CABLE', 'SOCKET']
power_type string
Type of power delivered via this connector
Options are ['AC Single Phase','AC Three Phase','DC']
power number
Connector power in kWatts
rate Embedded object
Applicable Rate at this connector
chargestation string
Connector's charge station Id
createdAt datetime
Creation time of this record
updatedAt datetime
Last update time of this record
Updated 11 months ago