
This section is for network administrators. eDRV helps you manage all aspects of your network operations remotely. You do this via the admin dashboard.


eDRV Admin Login

Admin Dashboard Sections

Manage a group of chargestations located at a specific address

Charge Stations
Configure and Manage an individual Charge Station

View historical and ongoing charging transactions on your network

Manage prices for EV charging on your network chargestations

The following features may not be relevant for operators using the mobile driver app:
Manage drivers on your network. Currently only applicable if you using RFID tokens for identity. We plan to shortly introduce driver identity management for the mobile driver app. Those drivers will be managed here.

Manage assignment of RFID tokens to drivers

Advanced feature in beta for enterprise clients who are directly connecting their EVs to eDRV via their OEM logins. Contact eDRV if you would like to know more about start/stop charging directly from your EV.

What’s Next